Writing Best Practices

To start your writing journey, begin by registering at the link provided by your school. Once you successfully register at the BriBooks platform, you will receive a confirmation email containing the details of participation, the steps to follow, and the writing process. You can start your writing journey by choosing your favorite theme from hundreds of provided themes on the platform.

Writing can become an easy task if before you begin the writing process, you have a fully developed concept in mind. On the other hand, you might start with an idea for a character, and the story builds from there. Whatever your approach, the BriBooks AI system will get you started very fast – just start.

Before submitting the book, the following questions can help you:
  • Does the title of my story trigger curiosity?
  • Does my story make sense when I read it out loud?
  • Are my sentences complete?
  • Have I checked the spelling, punctuation and grammar in my story?
  • Is my story consistent?

Certain practices help you write better. You must follow these simple rules to improve your creative writing skills and in turn write an intriguing story.

  • Create a writing environment
    You need a specific area for writing. Utilize a desk or a table with a flat, smooth surface to organize a space in a room. Make sure the space is well-lit. Use a laptop or a PC to start writing your book on the platform.
  • Use writing prompts for practice
    Writing exercises can help you develop your creative writing skills and will direct you on how to write about a specific subject. You can also take help from the AI Assistant to help you suggest opening sentences to start your story.
  • Use visual images/illustrations for prompts
    A fun method to include in your creative writing process is to use visual writing prompts/Illustrations to visualize your story for the readers to help them connect better. You can choose from thousands of entrancing illustrations from the multiple themes available on the platform.
  • Emphasize character development before writing the story
    Readers should be able to connect deeply with a story. You must understand the value of character development and pay special attention to it while writing.
  • Keep a dictionary handy
    You should have a place to turn to for assistance if you are unsure of a word. You can learn the definition of a term and the appropriate context for applying it in writing by consulting a dictionary.

To obtain an ISBN for your book, visit the respective event pages you are participating in to review the conditions and required number of copies sold. Secure your literary masterpiece with this unique identifier, essential for tracking and cataloging your work in the publishing world.

Get your books listed on Amazon Global. Visit the respective event pages you are participating in to review the terms and conditions and the required number of copies sold. Share your books with the global audience.

BriBooks AI system will trigger your creativity using illustrations and open-ended questions and the BriBooks writing platform should allow you to complete a typical writing process of 1000 words within a few hours. The secret is not to end your writing there, but to keep reviewing and adding until the book feels completed.

The first step in the writing process is choosing a theme by simply answering the question “What do I feel like writing?”. Within the theme, the author is prompted to select different page designs/illustrations. In most cases, these designs are used to trigger creativity and in some cases, it is used to support the storyline. The harmony between the page design and the story is another secret for a great book. Please note, the designs do not need to “match” the story - in many cases, by using mismatches you can add artistic depth to the story, making the reader question why you chose a specific page design. You can choose illustrations from multiple themes while writing your book.

Before you begin the writing process, you might have a fully developed concept in mind. On the other hand, you might start with an idea for a character, and the story builds from there. Whatever your approach, BriBooks AI system will get you started very fast – just start. Before submitting the book, the following questions can help you:

Before submitting the book, the following questions can help you:
  • Does the title of my story trigger curiosity?
  • Does my story make sense when I read it out loud?
  • Are my sentences complete?
  • Have I checked the spelling and punctuation and grammar in my story?
  • Is my story consistent?

BriBooks is home to more than 12 global competitions - onecompetition per month on average. Once you are a user ofBriBooks, your book will be automatically submitted to everywriting competition. Each competition is different but almostall competitions have few things in common:

  • One-third of your book's “score” is generated by our international Jury, one third is related to your book’s popularity (how many people read it/ how many times it was sold), and the last third is related to the average star rating that other readers gave the book.
  • You will always compete with your age group.
  • You can help your book by sharing it with your friends and family, and you can also help other writers by reading their books (line to the library) and rating it.
  • Make sure you follow the best writing practices
  • Make sure you read the Writing competitions’ guidelines and prizes
  • Share your book with your teachers, and place a copy in the school library - your fellow students and teachers can be your best friends.
  • Writing a few books is always a good idea! - you never know which one will become popular with the jury or with your audience.
  • But most importantly - simply write interesting stories.

Our young authors tell us that one of the most important moments in their journey is to see their book displayed in their school library while other kids get to read it. We support this effort by offering discounted School Library copies. In some cases the school can also decide to start their BriBooks book festival and add the “By Our Students - For Our Students” section in the school library.

Get your books listed on Amazon Global. Visit the respective event pages you are participating in to review the terms and conditions and the required number of copies sold. Share your books with the global audience.

The power of our writing goes hand in hand with responsibility. Please avoid the following:

  • Anything that may be deemed hurtful, defamatory, or discriminatory in nature.
  • Anything deemed explicit or gratuitously violent.
  • Anything referencing self-harm.
  • Personal contact information
  • Links to any external websites